Stress at work

Business stress management
"Collaborators at the center of the company"
Work stress is a cost factor that is often underestimated by companies and should be taken seriously. It is at the origin of health problems among the employees and therefore also of the decline of the turnover of the company.
It is a question of "stress at work" when there is an imbalance between the perception that an employee has of the constraints imposed on him by his professional environment and the perception that he has of his own resources to face it.
According to reports by the National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions (NAALC), 50% of employees are under stress. The psychological, social and financial impact of stress on the family and society is immeasurable. It has been shown that 87% of diseases are caused or aggravated by STRESS! (Physics, Mind, Family, Environmental, Professional, Financial etc.).
Excessive or prolonged stress can have detrimental effects on your employees: cardiovascular health, immune system, endocrine balance, reproductive system, muscle tension, digestion, brain function, mental health, ETC.
Because of its consequences on the operation (absenteeism, turnover, loss of productivity ...), the stress is expensive for the company.
Stress, one of the most important "PROFITS KILLERS"!
According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA report), the costs of workplace stress and psycho-social risks for the countries of the European Union are evaluated as follows
- Professional depression: 617 Billion €
- Absenteeism: 272 Billion €
- Loss of Productivity: 242 Billion €
- Health costs: 63 Billion €
- Disability Allowance: 39 Billion €
The EU-OSHA report examines the costs of work-related stress and shows that, contrary to a preconceived idea, it is much more costly for companies to ignore stress than to fight it.
Indeed, several studies have shown that it is "profitable" for companies to invest in preventing stress at work. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, € 1 invested in the prevention and health of staff brings 13 € of net profits to the company!
Physical stress signals
- Headache
- Increased perspiration (armpits, hands, head, torso) without physical effort
- Throat and / or dry mouth
- Sensory disturbances (sight or hearing)
- General tiredness
- Rapid exhaustion
- Sleeping troubles
- Gastric problems, digestion problems
- Respiratory problems
- Fast pulse, palpitations, heart point
- Cardiovascular problems
- Dizziness
- Circulatory disorders, cold hands or feet
- Sexual disorders
- General increase in health problems and diseases of all types
Psychological / Mental stress signals
- Lack of concentration, scattered thoughts
- Blackouts
- Indecision
- Limited or short-term perspective, lack of long-term planning
- Difficulty accepting novelty, resistance to change
Psychic / emotional stress signals
- General dissatisfaction
- Nervousness, irritation, impatience, increased susceptibility
- Anger, aggressiveness
- Pessimism, depression, depressive state
- Feeling too busy
- Lack of self-confidence
- Sense of distress
Behavioral / relational stress signals
- Malfunctioning communication, tensions, arguments, mobbing
- General climate of mistrust, desires, jealousies
- Difficulty working in a team, social isolation
- Increased incidents and accidents
- Lower performance
- Break free, work during free time, "workoholism"
- presenteeism
- Bad nutrition, lack of exercise
- Increase in addictions (alcohol, nicotine, drugs)
- Shielding, vandalism
- Internal resignation, service reduced to a minimum
- Increasing absenteeism / sickness rate
- Fluctuation (rotation) of staff
In recent decades, stressors have increased exponentially: work, money, success, the economy, the environment, parenting, family conflict, relationships, illness, etc. ., etc. Identifying and recognizing the main stressors at work makes it possible to participate in prevention. According to the INRS, work-related stressors are the same as psychosocial risk factors:Stress factors
Factors related to the task to be performed
- Intensity of work: excessive work requirements, complexity of work,
- Difficulties related to the task itself (monotony, lack of autonomy, repetition, fragmentation, underutilization of skills)
- Risks inherent to the actual execution of the task (eg, fatal medical error of the surgeon)
- Requirement of relations with the public
Factors related to the organization of work
- Too much or not enough control over the distribution and planning of tasks, as well as the vagueness of work objectives.
- Staff shortage
- Schedules sometimes incompatible with a family and social life (night work, staggered hours)
- Poor work organization: poor definition of roles, responsibilities, tasks and objectives
- Ineffective work processes
Factors related to the physical and technical environment
- Physical nuisance at work (noise, heat, humidity, dust, air conditioning ...).
- Bad design of places and / or workstations (lack of space, inadequate lighting ...).
- Lack of hygiene.
Factors related to the socio-economic environment of the company
- Poor economic health of the company or uncertainty about its future.
- Outbidding competitiveness on the national or international level: Increasing performance requirements.
- Work overload, superiors pressure, financial goals to achieve ...
- Insecurity of the work situation: fear of losing one's job, uncertainty about the future of one's job.
Factors related to labor relations
- Tension in relations with colleagues and / or supervisors
- Degraded social work relationships: conflict between colleagues and / or management, lack of recognition.
- A management that is not very participative, authoritarian, lacking
- Absence or low recognition of the work done.
Imbalance between private and professional life
- Difficulties to reconcile professional and personal life ...
- Living only for work, doing 12 hours a day, never interrupting or thinking about it all the time and neglecting your private life can lead to a significant stressful situation
- As the nature of human life has become much more complex, our old stress response is no longer adequate! We need to rethink our approach to stress management.
Who is concerned with Stress Management in Business?
- Managers of Human Resources Management
- Executive Officers
- Security Officers
- The managers of health promotion in companies
- Staff Managers
- Staff representatives (works council, etc.)
- Occupational medicine
Every company aims to be a good place to work. The essential criterion for achieving this goal is to place the employee at the center of the company. Any business that does not have a fundamental respect for the human being is dysfunctionalHere are some of the company's concerns that can be greatly supported by an Employee Focused Stress Management Program:
- Improve the quality of work life of managers and employees
- Improve the individual and collective performance of employees
- Increase job satisfaction
- Improve employee / employer labor relations
- Reduce conflict
- Reduce and prevent psychosocial risks
- Reduce absenteeism at work
- Reduce resistance to change
- Developing the full potential of employees
- Develop the creativity and involvement of employees
- Encourage participatory management
- Improve the corporate culture
- Increase motivation at work / Reduce workplace discomfort
- Develop the agility of the company by increasing the adaptability, resilience and autonomy of the work teams
Our Stress Management Program is Based on New Bioresonance and Biofeedback Technologies