S-ENSO Rejuvenation Programs

One of the many benefits of the S-ENSO is the automated program that can serve a client, friend or family member while the practitioner is able to attend to other business.
Press play and walk away is just some of the luxury offered by the S-ENSO.
EternaMini Spa Treatment - 30 minutes
A restorative combination of programs, designed to promote optimal relaxation and rejuvenation.
EternaVitale - will replenish your optimal energy levels and work to rebalance the seven major energy centers of the body, allowing you to function with optimal ease, joy and efficiency.
EternaYouth - brings you all the powerful healthy aging benefits of micro current tech- nologies helping you look and feel years younger.
EternaSerene - this is the ultimate deep relaxa- tion program for easing away tension, stress and pain; also excellent for improving sleep habits, and enhancing meditation.
EternaEnviro - offers the mind and body an oasis of relief from daily environmental stress, toxins, EMF, noise, pollution and more.
EternaMaxi Spa Treatment - 60 minutes
This luxurious hour long experience combines our 30 minute. EternaMini Spa treatment (listed above) with programs designed to enhance the appearance of the skin and hair, help manage weight, boost confidence and self esteem, includes:
EternaGlow - designed to help allow your inner beauty to truly shine forth, enhancing the healthy radiance and glow of the skin, restor- ing clarity and sparkle in the eyes.
EternaShape - maintaining a body weight that is comfortable, attractive and healthy can be an easy process of self- nurturing; facilitates positive changes in attitudes toward food and other cravings.
EternaLux - lustrous, shiny hair is a telltale indica- for of health. Our EternaLux program is one of our mane attractions, known to diminish the appear- acne of unwanted greys.
EternaSphere - micro current TECHNOLOGIES are known for stimulating and improving circulation which can have many health benefits. EternaS- phere focuses on the eliminating of cellulite, and improving self image and confidence.
Eterna Mini Lift - 30 minutes
This all natural “face-lift” enhances facial appearance and combats the effects of gravity. The EternaLift program creates a dramatic improvement in facial lines and wrinkles, as well as a gradual tightening of the loose skin around the face, neck and chin area.
All natural “face-lift” enhance facial appearance and combat gravity.
EternaMaxiLift - 60 minutes
Our signature select service combines our . EternaMini Spa treatment (EternaVitale, EternaYouth, EternaSerene and EternaEnviro), with our delightful and impactful energetic face lift for the most well rounded improvement of body, mind, spirit and appearance.
Energetic Face Lift plus EternaVitale, EternaYouth, Eterna Serene and Eterna Enviro.
Ala Carte Eternalizations
Each of our three to five minute individual programs utilize targeted micro-current vibrations to help clients meet a variety of goals related to physical appearance and enhanced performance. The corresponding musical scores and guided imagery are designed to bring the listeners conQUEX Sus awareness and intention to the focused area to produce positive changes in mental perceptions, attitudes and daily habits.
Customize your own session from just 15-90 minutes. Choose from:
- EternaVitale - for restoring energy
- EternaYouth - for youthfulness
- EternaSerene - for reduction of stress
- EternaEnviro - for reduction of environmental stressors
- EternaGlow - for face and beauty enhancement
- EternaShape - for management and weight issues
- EternaLux - for skin and hair enhancement
- EternaSphere - for body scan and reshape
- EternaFit - for exercise motivation, fitness and performance
- EternaLift - for relieving the effects of gravity (20 minutes)
EternaFit - Offers all of the support, inspiration and motivation of your own personal trainer. Experience your very best at work, in the gym, or in athletic performance. An excellent add-on to any of our services!
EternaLIFT - creates a dramatic improvement in facial lines and wrinkles, as well as a gradual tightening of the loose skin around the face, neck and chin area.