S-ENSO Testimonials

My demo session was great. I felt warming and tingling sensations throughout my body and really felt like my body was relaxing. I loved the music and audio journey about growing younger. I could feel all the tension leaving my face, and body. I tried the skin care products while having my demo as well. When my demo was completed, I was handed a mirror and could not believe my face actually looked softer and younger.

I work outdoors and try to surf daily. My skin has taken a back seat between the sun and saltwater. In addition, my work can be challenging in dealing with clients and vendors. I was excited to participate in this trial study. I enjoy the music and guided journeys. At times, it is so relaxing that I feel like I am in another place and have been so relaxed that I have fallen asleep during the sessions, which I welcome since I do not have good sleep patterns. I feel very calm and have a general sense of wellbeing not to mention my skin is looking good, in fact, I was told it looks great.
I felt a lot more energy and positiveness in spirit.
Carmel, age 64
I noticed and felt that my skin felt (body) actually softer and fuller. I really enjoyed it and I always felt very relaxed after having the treatment.
Emma , age 41
I felt as if there was a definite upward pull on both sides of my face starting from the jaw line . Face feels more open and definitely not as flabby.
Christa, age 46
Pain in my neck disappeared again and I felt energized and at peace with everything.
Geraldine, age 61
After the treatment I was calm and very happy. The day after I felt still less stressed and my skin was luminous and clearer. During the treatment I went into a deep meditation almost instantly. The following day still relaxed and I am noticing my skin improving a lot. Some broken capillaries fading and wrinkles also disappearing. I think this is an amazing therapy. Not only can I see the visible results with my skin but I feel so much more at peace. I feel like my body and spirit are one again as though prior to my treatments my spirit was out of my body. I’m not as worried about things and my intuition has improved greatly. I almost feel as though connection to spirit is a lot stronger.
Sally, age 32
I could feel a real softness and gentleness opening in myself it was really beautiful. My skin feels softer on my face and the pores are tighter together. My skin also feels tighter across my cheek bones and more youthful. Facially I loved the more youthful feeling of my skin and the vibrancy of it generally. I felt like I looked good from the inside!”Sarah, age 44
I feel that my skin has a lot more lustre glow and vibrancy to it. It is more even, like coming new again. Growing younger! Love it thanks!
Janine, age 51
I felt very relaxed and ready for the day. I noticed the scarring on my chin appears to have faded and the lines around my eyes seem to have diminished a bit. I feel like I’m glowing.
Amanda, age 40
My skin is more vibrant and I am not craving as many sweets. I feel empowered and in control in a good way! I came in feeling really drained and left feeling much more alert. When I was hungry I was amazed because I craved a healthy salad instead of in and out Burger.